Grecia Becerra Ortiz

Grecia Becerra Ortiz

martes, 14 de junio de 2016

The Golden Age Of Cinema

The time of the golden age began when the first big cinema companies arrived to conquer the world, to make people to perceive it in a different way. Cinema was created when the first cameras or image projectors where about to be invented. But the truth is that Cinema was a real thing, it was created in the early XIX and XX century when the customs and all the forbidden things cannot be showed or told. That time was the Victorian era.  It was an epoch of inequalities in which aristocracy played a major role in the society. Therefore, the religious customs were very noticeable rather strict. However, the industry of Cinema was about to start so they were not so affected by the social, economic and political changes around the world. The pioneers of the industry were just looking for something new, for a new art of expression. Thanks to that,   it was able for people to reflect about their own lives that is to say in their way of living and to reflect them at the same time,   On the contrary, anybody imagined that Cinema would be spread globally, so the creation of the film industry was not made on purpose but was made with the aim of experimenting   new technologies, to show people   that someday   the art of the motion pictures  will come true.

 At the beginning of the XX century, acting was not a big thing, people just go to see plays at the theatre and that was all about, there were famous actors that finally proved their talent and charisma on the screen Consequently, all the rising stars started to emerge from the darkness, by the time they were seen on the big screen they were praised, seen such as Gods and Goddesses. It is remarkable to say that they had an incredible power to persuade and even they became a model to follow, they   imposed a trendy in the society. By the time, they provoked millions of emotions and feelings around the world, people was about to know the world of lust too. Additionally, the film industry became step by step in one of the most profitable business around the world. Once people went to the movies realized that it was a complete success in the entertainment world.

Regarding, sexuality   at the very beginning in the 20’s, sexuality was not a matter of importance since it did not exist rules that restrict people’s behavior on the screen. Everybody had fun and also feel free to express themselves, it didn’t matter if someone was gay or not, people just do want they want. If was the time of women’s liberation, women started to have power and were able to control their lives completely. So, this epoch was the time that the industry of Cinema felt free to do what they want ed owing that the censorship didn’t exist. In addition, the image of women was an image of desire, of femme fatale.

The 20’s were a time of plenty,   where a culture of consumerism finally emerged owing to the American period of economical welfare.   At that time, the United States of America was leading the trends, in fashion   and so on. The American model was followed by others, since its politics were focused on the capitalism, so people waste her money in an incredible way. The big Cinema companies were erected, the world of entertainment was gaining a powerful influence, since cabarets, nightclubs were the new fashion in those times. Besides, new musical genres appeared such as Jazz and blues. The nightlife was full of new things, people felt broad minded for that reason they didn’t give relevance to the moral values given that the most important at that moment was money to have fun and satisfy themselves.  The Hollywood industry gained recognition and fame thanks to their big productions, everything was great in those flourishing times.

Nevertheless, with the arrival of the sound at the late 20’s the careers of some of the most famous stars where about to decline. Many of them, didn’t have a good voice to be listened in public, so the careers of some of them just disappeared. Also the biggest productions were restricted at   the moment of creating and innoving due to sound changed the early conceptions and ideas about Cinema, by the time talking movies gained power and succeeded, making the industry bigger every time. So, the silent movies became old-fashioned. Besides,   the way the movies were conceived differently, the scripts were quite different, then there was music and a different kind of atmosphere. 

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