Grecia Becerra Ortiz

Grecia Becerra Ortiz

martes, 7 de junio de 2016


Before the birth and the arrival of cinema it was considered a fantasy, people just imagine how could it be, they just got hypothesis about it.  With all the advances at that time in   the technological field the conception of making movement on the screen revolutionized the world. During the following years many changes occurred. Among them, the creation of the magic lantern used to project images, the camera and the cinematoscophe. Thanks to pioneers a new era in the motion picture was about to begin.

Everything begun with a new item known as the lantern which was able to capture images through an illuminated lens which allowed the inventors of this new trend to give the first stages in filming trying to show an entire sequence of pictures with a particular technique. Nevertheless, the most significant stage in the early cinema was when Edweard Muybridge caught the first motion picture ever taken which demonstrated to public a new way to perceive life. However, the cinematoscophe created by the Lumiere Brothers proved to be the greatest invention since it molded and technified the way to watch movies, leading the future of the Cinema one step forward. Thanks to that device, movies were finally seen on screen. One of the most fruitful times back then was the silent era in the 20’s where businessmen invested their money to build a new empire full of rising stars. At that time, silent movies were mysterious and had a kind of magnetism regards   their nature.

 All in all, Cinema is acknowledged as one of the seven marvels of the world. Motion pictures left a huge trace to follow generations, they showed us another world; a world of fantasy in which human emotions were involved in an amazing way.  The art of filming is not entertainment but a way to express our feelings and also see the world differently in order to build a new one.

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