Grecia Becerra Ortiz

Grecia Becerra Ortiz

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

The Use Of Literature In English

In my personal opinion I consider that literature is a great tool in oder to improve our classes. We can do a bunch of things. Such as analyzing poems, performing a play, even create your own version of your own play, create dynamic activitiesto encourage the students to improve and develop their writing and oral skills both in class and outside the classroom.

Literature is very broad, I'd say this help us to be more expressive not only in the classroom but in life. Regarding the population you can implement and adapt what you what to do. For instance, In the classroom you as teacher can make your students act, how? by asking them to write their own version of a tale, or maybe telling them to preparean oral analysis at home in order to perform it in class. Another important thing you can do is by using literature is to carry out a class by playing funny games such as: the hungman, take a piece of paper and draw, guess and emotion according to a poem,etc.

At the end of the day, literature make us more reflective, made us to think in a deep way. Besides, our students can feel more motivated due to the fact we can take advantage of the different topics, literature offers the material is more interesting, since we can analyse or discuss about a peom. So, the opinion you give about a poem varies each time. 

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Andre's Mother

(Andre enters to a beautiful garden and meets his mother, he talks alone)

Andre: Hi mom, long time no see you! I know time has ran out and everything happened so quicky but I really want to tell you how much I love you and I beg you to forgive me for being who I am.

(Andre's mother enters)

Andre's mother: You don't have to be worried my darling. However, when I realized about your sexual condition and your sickness, I was extremely shocked, I didn't know what to say, it was terrifying to me. But you know my son, we are humans and we make mistakes.

Andre: Yes mom I know that and let me tell you that it wasn't my intention to hurt you, I wish I could tell you what was going on between Cal and I... (Andre's mother cries)... But I couldn't sorry!

Andre's motherI really wanted you to tell me that... but life is cruel! You know something... I don't want to fight with you. I love you son!

Andre : ¡That's what I wanted to hear Mom, thanks!

(They go now)