Grecia Becerra Ortiz

Grecia Becerra Ortiz

viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

The Beauty and the Beast
Adaptation for oral test

-       Yusleidy: Narrator
-     Diego: Beast (He is the young man who lives in a cave and then becomes an attractive man who in the streets gets a “ñero” look)
-      Jecid: Ñero (the Beast’s new appearance after escaping with her sister)
-     Millindy: Belle (Stupid girl)
-     Kellys: Witch- Maleficent. (She is Beast and Cruella’s mother.)
-         Ingrid: Fairy godmother (Beast’s fairy godmother)
-      Grecia: Cruella (Beast’s sister)
·       PLACE: Paso de Hatcher – Alaska- U.S.A (We chose this town because it is a zone full of forest and it usually has cold weather).
Narrator: Once upon a time on a stormy night a baby was born, son of a horrible witch called “Maleficent”. The baby was really awful like his mother.
(The witch was lying down on the bed, she was in labour. She was yelling and swearing like a sailor).
Maleficent: Damn it! If I had known that it was so painful, I wouldn’t have gotten pregnant.  This is the devil’s work. I hope my son to be the most beautiful boy in this town and if he is not; I will never let him go outside.
(The baby cries and she looks at him with scary eyes)
Maleficent: What an atrocious thing I have for a son! He would be dangerous for the world! Why does this happen to me? What’s the reason for this punishment? I do deserve this misfortune, but he will be the one who pay for my mistakes!
(She is crying and then she goes and leaves her son on the bed)
Narrator: Twenty years later. In a dark cave the young man rest willing to break free.
Beast (ugly): (He appears looking at the mirror and talking to himself.  He is touching his face) What a miserable man I am! I have all the things normal people want to have, any treasure I desire. However, I live alone and I can’t get the simplest things normal people have; friends, freedom, love… (He cries and the Fairy Godmother comes out).
Fairy Godmother: Oh my beautiful Beast, I am with you, do not worry! Due to your misfortune I am here to help you and I will give you whatever you want. Just ask me!
Beast (ugly): I wish to change my physical appearance in order to hang out and have friends, at least for today.  
Fairy godmother: I’ll do what you desire. So I’m going to transform you into the most good-looking prince in the whole world. (The Fairy Godmother tries to whisper a magic spell as she moves her hands; unfortunately the magic wand doesn’t work, so she begins to shake her magic wand desperately).
Fairy Godmother: Damn it! This stupid thing! Just in this moment this stupid wand is ruined! But take it easy my dear, I’ll fix it. (She takes a paste from her pockets and pastes the magic wand with a tape, and then she tries once again. This time it works). — (The beast turns around several times while changing his appearance). Don’t forget this enchantment! You will be a handsome man as long as you want it! The only condition is not to harm or do bad things to anyone, if you do, then you will be ugly once again.
Maleficent: My dear Beast! (She enters and the Fairy Godmother disappears). Who are you, where is my son? (She is worried and anguished). Give me my son back, where is he? How you dare to come into my house, don’t you know I am the most powerful witch in this town; I can destroy you if I want! Get out of my house now!  (She beats him).
Cruella: Mom, what is going on? What is that noise? Who is this poor man you are fighting with? (Cruella tries to help Beast since she does not know he is his brother who now has a different appearance). Why are you always disturbing others, I hate you, and I hate all your secrets, this family will never be normal. (Cruella goes out with Beast… she consoles him after the beating Maleficent gave him)
Maleficent: (Maleficent rest alone inside the cave, she keeps looking for his son who has gone with Cruella).Where is my son? I know that he is awful, but he is a good person, is this devil´s plan? Who have taken him away from me?
Cruella:  Who are you? What were you doing at my mother’s house? Were you trying to kill Beast? I heard the King will pay for his death…
Beast (attractive): Can’t you see it? It’s me! I am Beast… my whole life I was willing to be changed, and now I am! Come with me! Leave Maleficent, sooner or later she will destroy you if you stay.
Cruella: All right brother… I will go with you, I won’t let her to destroy us, we have suffered enough!
(Cruella goes back to the cave; she enters her bedroom in order to gather her personal belongings).
Maleficent: What are you thinking young girl? You are not going to leave me as your brother just did. If you do that, you’ll regret it.  (Maleficent keeps yelling and tries to stop her, but she managed to leave).
Cruella: (She stands at the door staring at Maleficent). Don’t worry mother, you won’t be alone! All the evil spirits you talk with during the nights will rest by your side! You’re the worst person in the world and now you are getting what you deserve (She leaves).

(After Beast and Cruella’s escape, the siblings are walking in a park; they have been walking for many days without food or water, so that, they have gained a careless appearance “ñeros”.
Narrator: Belle was running in the park totally scared because somebody tried to rape her. In the middle of the escape she trips over a stone, Beast who was there with her sister runs to help her. As soon as they see each other they fall in love.
Belle: Help me, help me, please. A man wants to rape me!
Beast (ñero): Don’t worry! I’ll help you! (In that moment Belle faints, Cruella takes a bottle of water and tries to revive her).
Bella: Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me. (She yells half-asleep) Justin Bieber is it you? (Beast laughs ironically, Belle finally wakes up)Oh my god, I can’t believe it. I’m truly sorry…
Narrator: Beast stands Belle up and they dance for a moment.
(Music is played, while dancing Beast stepped on Belle, he stops dancing)
Belle: What’s wrong, why do you stop? Are you going to tell me the truth? I know you look a bit dirty and you may smell like a toilet, but I can see you have elegant manners, is there anything I should know?
(Cruella interrupts the lovely chat)
Cruella : No, there’s nothing you should know, my brother and I have to go now or we will miss the train.
(The siblings run and Belle stays confused)
Narrator: Beast is charmed with the beauty of  Belle. He prays that his Fairy Godmother fulfills his wish.
Beast (ñero): Please, Fairy Godmothers help me once again. I want to see her one more time!
Fairy godmother: But what is happening? I see you are not happy, not even now your exterior is different! I am going to help you but I need money – nothing in life is for free.
Beast (ñero): All right, how much money do you want?
Fairy godmother: I want 20.000 dollars, in cash.
Beast (ñero): Ok, I accept.  But I have some suggestions: I want to be taller, a little thinner, with amazing blue eyes and blond hair. And I want to change my speech because I don’t like to sound like a redneck.
Fairy Godmother: Mm Ok. You are quite ambitious, you have one day to get the money.
(In that moment the Beast goes crazy about the idea of being even more attractive, he finds a wallet on a chair, he takes the money and throws the wallet)
Beast (ñero): Fairy Godmother! I got more money, now fulfill your promise!
Fairy Godmother: Okay, okay. Show me what you got (Beast takes the money on his hand) I hope you to have earned it with your work, did you?
(Beast rest quite, then the Fairy Godmother realizes he stole the money)
Fairy godmother: You did not respect the deal, so that you will be the ugly beast you hate once again. (The Fairy Godmother takes out her magic wand and turns the man into Beast once again).
(Belle arrives and finds Beast lying on the floor)
Belle: Oh! My goodness! What happened to you? Who did this to you? (She turns him over and sees the dirty but good-looking man now is an ugly beast, she steps back really scared. In that moment Cruella arrives).
Cruella: Can you explain this to me? I knew you were a bad person for my brother! Look what you have done! (Belle starts to cry).
Belle: Don’t you understand? I didn’t have anything to do with this, I just found him like this! Is this his big secret?
Narrator: In that moment Cruella calms down and tell Belle the real story. (They whisper around Beast lying body, the two girls start crying and in that moment the Fairy Godmother reappears)
Fairy Godmother: Move apart you fool girls! Beast broke the deal, so that I will take him with me, you will never see him again, so say goodbye!
(Stop – Maleficent reappears)
Maleficent: You won’t take my son anywhere… he is mine!
(The two magical women start fighting with their magic wands until death)
Cruella: So this is the end, all the ambitious ones have paid the consequences… my mother, the fairy godmother and… (She turns towards his brother lying body).
Belle: Oh Beast, dear beast… forever goodbye (in that moment Belle kisses Beast forehead and closes his eyes, but Beast wakes up and hugs Belle)
Narrator: The love of Belle for Beast broke the spell the Fairy Godmother whispered on him, she accepted his lover appearance and they lived happily ever after. 


sábado, 23 de abril de 2016


 I was called “The poet’s poet”. I was born in the 16th century in 1552 in London. My father was a penniless tailor, a contributor that helped me to get a suitable education in one of the grammar schools of the capital. I also was a partially free student when I was at Cambridge. At an early age, I began to write my first well-known volume known as   The Shepherd’s Calendar in 1579. Three years later, I left Cambridge and I started to live in Northern England where I fell in love with a girl I named Rosalind but her real name was Rosa.

Later on, I returned to London in order to meet Sir Philip Sydney, whose father was a Lord commissionar. In those times, it was extremely necesary to have influencial friends to survive. Even though the invention of printing was able to produce books at a low cost, the number of people who admired my art was very limited at that epoch. Then in 1580, I was appointed secretary to Lord Arthur in Ireland where many catholic revolts took place during Lord Grey’s attempt of pacification. In the meantime, I wrote one of the most powerful books entitled Faery Queen since Chaucer and I got married to Elizabeth Boyle whose I had four children. In that time, my collection of poems were published for the first time in London.

During the following years, I published a good number of literary works. However, in 1597 I had to escape from the city with my wife and children to England because my castle was burned. Finally, I died in poverty and miserable on January 1599. I was buried in Westminster Abbey near to my mentor Chaucer.

martes, 5 de abril de 2016


Nature, omnipotent and impressive as the blue of the sky
The beaming shine of the grass highlights the beauty of the butterfly
The guiding light of the sky embraces the colors of the plants
When seeing at first sight

The lovely butterfly is settled in the flower with a gentle delicacy
The gorgeous aspect dances with nature elegantly
The white of the flower adorns the marvelous wings
The green trees surrounding makes a perfect blend in spring

Colors of nature sharpen the glowing flower
Showing others the great power
There are no words to describe how amazing nature is
When looking carefully and see how wonderful it is.

lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

Candle (What I have in my soul)

I am a candle
When everything gets dark
I try to think positively
In spite of the obstacles
I'll always have a smile for everybody.

I am the light of my own life, 
I consider myself as a lonely person
who is happy no matter the people around.

The light symbolizes safeness and confidence 
when facing all kind of situations both good or bad
I would like to be the light of others. 

How I feel about my dad/mom?

I   would like to say that the person I love the most is my mother. I truly enjoy the moments I spent with her. I'd rather say she is my best friend, the only one I can trust on and I also feel comfortable no matter the circumstances. I personally think she is the best mom ever due to the way she treats me and takes care of me every day.