Grecia Becerra Ortiz

Grecia Becerra Ortiz

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016


Decisions are difficult and doubtful
And makes us be thoughtful
We don’t see the light and that is why we feel like  losing
With no chance of choosing.

Sometimes they are crucial and determining
For that reason we keep on thinking
We must be prepared for uncertain times
During lifetime.

When you take the wrong one don’t feel frightened and hopeless 
Because you have the opportunity to seek happiness
No matter the tough moments you have
Something better will come if you really want it.

Life is hard and it always becomes priceless
If we don’t choose correctly, decisions are going to be pointless
You will become disappointed and insensible about life
Trying to strife all the time.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016